Saturday, June 18, 2011

Finding the silver lining

Celiac sucks and being 100% gluten free is really hard sometimes but days like today it is all worth it. 

2 1/2 months ago I could not walk my youngest son to school. 6 blocks was too far for me. My arthritis was crippling, I had no energy, every part of my body hurt. SIX BLOCKS was beyond me. I was terrified at the thought of living another 60 years in this body slowly becoming more and more crippled.

Today I completed my intro level sea kayak certification. An 8 hour long course, 4 of them in a kayak paddling against wind in ocean swell. Wet exits, eskimo rescues, using my upper body strength to lift and turn kayaks in the water and climb in and out of the boats. It was exhausting but I am so proud of myself. I was the only woman in the course and the other 3 participants were military men in great shape (my husband and 2 coworkers). I kept up with them all day and did everything that they did. Occasionally it took a couple of tries but I did it. 

The 2 coworkers and the instructors were horrified at lunch when I was telling them what I can't have because of celiac but it didn't phase me at all. Go ahead and eat your sandwich, drink your beer ... being gluten free has given me a life I always envied in others. 

I'm so happy right now. Exhausted and sore but happy. 

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