Thursday, June 30, 2011

Treetops Tapas and Grill at Tigh Na Mara

Last month my husband and I went up to Tigh-Na-Mara to soak in the mineral pool and enjoy the endless Tapas at the Treetops Tapas & Grill. I spoke to a couple of people on the phone and sent a couple of emails and it wasn't looking good until I got a call from a man named David from sales and catering. He was amazing. He assured me that he would make sure the chefs at the spa took care of me. I was nervous because I honestly felt that the odds on eating several different dishes without any gluten sneaking in were pretty low but I was willing to give them a chance.

We didn't go up for any spa treatments, just the dip & dine which is a nice treat. First we spent a couple of hours soaking in the mineral pools and then we put on our robes and went up to the restaurant to eat. We made early reservations so that we wouldn't hit a dinner rush which is a good strategy for celiacs, you always want to make sure the kitchen staff have the time to pay attention to your meal.

Well, they were amazing. I expected good food but they went above and beyond my expectations.

Tiger Prawn & Coconut Risotto
Lemongrass & Fresh Snow Peas

Portabello Pesto Pasta
Fresh Spinach and Buttermilk Cream
Gluten Free 

Lavender Honey and Tiger Prawn Salad
Nanoose Edibles Farm Greens
Tamarind and Lime Marinated Lamb Chop
They brought me one without the cous cous but I don't have a picture of it)
Seared Ahi Tuna
Spice Encrusted
Sticky Rice, Vine Leaves
Cucumber and cilantro raita
Dungeness Crab Tien
Lemon Fromage Frais
Micro greens
Champagne Vinaigrette
(The brought me one without crackers)
Pork Tenderloin
Sun-blushed tomatoes
Feta cheese, Kalamata olives
My husband's was served on a Basil Orzo salad and mine on a bed of greens with a nice dressing
Grilled Scallops
Green chili relish
Smoked paprika oil

There were a few other dishes that I ate but didn't take any pictures of and several others that my husband was able to eat but that I couldn't partake of. At the end of this feast I told our server I certainly didn't expect any dessert because no restaurant I had ever been to served a gluten free dessert but that I would love a cup of tea and some fruit.

Then she brought me this:
Flourless chocolate cookie, chocolate mousse, strawberry mousse in a dark chocolate shell, a macaroon, a meringue with strawberries and whipped cream and creme brulee.

I'm not embarrassed to say I actually cried a little bit. I never get dessert out which is why I am constantly baking at home.  This was such an amazing treat. 

Then we did this some more. 

It was a perfect day and I would like to thank Tigh-Na-Mara for caring enough to feed me well. I am extremely sensitive to the slightest contamination and I didn't get sick. We will be back for more. 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Finding the silver lining

Celiac sucks and being 100% gluten free is really hard sometimes but days like today it is all worth it. 

2 1/2 months ago I could not walk my youngest son to school. 6 blocks was too far for me. My arthritis was crippling, I had no energy, every part of my body hurt. SIX BLOCKS was beyond me. I was terrified at the thought of living another 60 years in this body slowly becoming more and more crippled.

Today I completed my intro level sea kayak certification. An 8 hour long course, 4 of them in a kayak paddling against wind in ocean swell. Wet exits, eskimo rescues, using my upper body strength to lift and turn kayaks in the water and climb in and out of the boats. It was exhausting but I am so proud of myself. I was the only woman in the course and the other 3 participants were military men in great shape (my husband and 2 coworkers). I kept up with them all day and did everything that they did. Occasionally it took a couple of tries but I did it. 

The 2 coworkers and the instructors were horrified at lunch when I was telling them what I can't have because of celiac but it didn't phase me at all. Go ahead and eat your sandwich, drink your beer ... being gluten free has given me a life I always envied in others. 

I'm so happy right now. Exhausted and sore but happy. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Gluten Free Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp

Strawberries and rhubarb were both on sale at the grocery store this morning so I made a crisp!

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. 

1 cups white sugar
3 Tbsp GF all purpose flour blend (I used Pamela's Baking Mix)
3 cups chopped rhubarb
3 cups sliced strawberries
2 cups Gluten Free Oats (I used Bob's Red Mill)
1 1/2 cups GF All purpose flour blend (Again, I used Pamela's)
1 cup butter
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon

Combine white sugar, 3 Tbsp flour and the fruit in a bowl, spread into a greased 9x13 baking pan.

In another bowl use a pastry cutter to combine oats, flour, sugar, butter and cinnamon.

Spread oat mixture over the fruit mixture. 

Bake for 45 minutes or until topping is golden brown. 

I have fiddled with this recipe a lot. I've doubled the fruit, used 3 cups of oats and less flour, less butter, less sugar, different fruit ... it's pretty flexible and really delicious. So don't be afraid to change it up if you have different stuff on hand. Just don't use less than 6 cups total fruit or 1/2 a cup of butter. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What's For Dinner?

I noticed on some celiac/gluten free forums that people have a hard time finding things to cook for dinner. I cook for a family of 7 every night so meal planning is a must. I thought I would share a month of our menu. I try to keep repeats to a minimum but there are a couple.

  1. Lentil soup, salad and GF cornbread
  2. Hamburgers, steamed cauliflower and baked potato wedges
  3. BBQ salmon, brown rice, steamed broccoli
  4. Grilled skewers from M&M meats (they have several GF varieties), grilled asparagus and rice
  5. Roast turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn
  6. Turkey tostadas with homemade corn tortillas
  7. Bacon & eggs, hashbrowns and fruit salad
  8. Asian peanut butter pork, rice and broccoli
  9. Green Thai curry with chicken, zucchini, carrots and baby corn, rice
  10. Beef stir fry with lots of vegetables and rice or rice noodles
  11. Salad and turkey soup made with the bones from last week's turkey
  12. Tacos with corn taco shells, ground beef and homemade taco seasoning along with all the usual taco toppings
  13. Breakfast skillet with potatoes, eggs, sausages and toast
  14. Sole fillets fried with panko crumbs, cauliflower and rice
  15. Chicken nuggets, fries and tabouleh
  16. Maple salmon, brown rice and corn on the cob
  17. Grilled steak salad and baked potatoes
  18. Butter chicken, curried cauliflower and rice
  19. Prawns sauteed in garlic butter with rice and grilled zucchini
  20. BBQ chicken, Macaroni and cheese (I'll post a recipe for feeding a mixed family of gluten and GF eaters) and salad
  21. Homemade pizza
  22. Fritatta with potatoes, peppers and mushrooms, fruit and bacon
  23. Beef stir fry with lots of vegetables and rice or rice noodles
  24. Asian peanut butter pork, rice and broccoli
  25. Hamburgers, salad and fries
  26. Maple salmon, brown rice and steamed carrots
  27. Chili and cornbread
  28. Korean Ribs, rice and steamed broccoli
I don't generally plan a full 31 meals because there are always at least 3 evenings a month where we eat leftovers or eat out or just feel like oatmeal and tea.

That menu doesn't look any different from a regular meal plan does it? That's because it isn't. It's pretty much the same food we ate before I had to stop eating gluten. I just cook with some slight modifications. Where ever there is a bread product I either purchase a gluten free alternative for myself and a regular version for everyone else or I bake a gluten free version for everyone. I check labels obsessively and only use gluten free soy sauce, barbecue sauce, spices and I thicken soups and gravies with potato flour. Instead of burrito or fajita night we now have taco night and tostada night. We don't eat pasta often but when we do I make the sauce gluten free and cook seperate pasta for myself and everyone else.

For desserts this past month I have baked:
  1. Holy Cow Cake from The Cake Mix Doctor Bakes Gluten Free
  2. Gluten free apple crisp
  3. Gluten Free Pantry Chocolate Truffle Brownies and vanilla ice cream
  4. Boston Cream Pie from The Cake Mix Doctor Bakes Gluten Free
  5. Coconut Cupcakes ... these were a bit of a disaster
  6. Banana Splits

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cactus Club Cafe - First Review

I went to Cactus Club with my Mom and Grandma for Mother's Day and we had a lovely meal. You can check out their gluten free menu here.

This is half of the Raincoast Greens Salad, my Mom had the other half.

My Mom and I shared the Raincoast Green Salad and they were nice enough to split it between two bowls for us. It was really nice. Definitely a decent meal all by itself (if you ate the whole thing) and the only meal that is gluten free without leaving anything out.

Tuna Tataki with my own homemade gluten free ponzu poured over top.

I also ordered the Tuna Tataki without the Yuzu Vinaigrette. I brought my own homemade gluten free ponzu sauce and poured it over the tuna. It was wonderful.

Cactus Club Cafe was really nice about accommodating my needs. My food was brought out separately by the manager. I'm not sure if he cooked it himself, oversaw the preparation or just carried it to the table but it did show an extra level of care.

My only complaint is the usual... no gluten free desserts. I will go back for this meal again but it would be nice to end it with something sweet. Our server offered me a bowl of vanilla gelato with chocolate sauce but I am concerned with the risk of contamination in a tub of gelato that is being scooped into over and over again so I just had tea.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Udi's Cinnamon Raisin Bread

I grabbed a loaf of this bread the other day, I've been wanting cinnamon raisin bread to have for breakfast with my chai. Like most gluten free breads you will pay $6-$7 a loaf which is steep even for good bread and robbery for most of the barely edible gluten free offerings out there. Thankfully this is very good. Really, really good.

I usually put more effort into taking pictures for my blogs. Make sure the lighting is right and the food is positioned just right... not this time. I ate the first piece and then thought I should probably take a picture of this. So I did. On my messy desk. And then I ate it. 

The gold standard for gluten free breads seems to be whether or not you can feed it to gluten eaters. You could definitely feed this to your gluten eating loved ones but I think I'll keep it for myself and tell them it;s awful. 

VH Honey Garlic Sauce

This isn't really a recipe, more a product review. We are lucky to have VH sauces in Canada, they are almost all gluten free and made by Con Agra Foods who are very good about declaring gluten on their labels. It's nice to have gluten free sauces at regular prices.

I poured 1/2 a jar over 1 kg of chicken drumsticks and marinated them for several hours.

Then I cooked the chicken on the BBQ. While it was cooking I thickened the rest of the sauce in a little pot with some cornstarch and drizzled it over the cooked chicken.

Super good! I would definitely buy this again. Unlike their soy sauce which is nasty - but I guess that's a separate post.