Saturday, May 7, 2011

Udi's Cinnamon Raisin Bread

I grabbed a loaf of this bread the other day, I've been wanting cinnamon raisin bread to have for breakfast with my chai. Like most gluten free breads you will pay $6-$7 a loaf which is steep even for good bread and robbery for most of the barely edible gluten free offerings out there. Thankfully this is very good. Really, really good.

I usually put more effort into taking pictures for my blogs. Make sure the lighting is right and the food is positioned just right... not this time. I ate the first piece and then thought I should probably take a picture of this. So I did. On my messy desk. And then I ate it. 

The gold standard for gluten free breads seems to be whether or not you can feed it to gluten eaters. You could definitely feed this to your gluten eating loved ones but I think I'll keep it for myself and tell them it;s awful. 

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