Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Kinnikinnick All Purpose Mix

This mix is not listed for sale on Kinnkinnick's website currently. I phoned the company was told that it is currently listed as discontinued. Kinnikinnick is repackaging all their products and the All Purpose Mix might make a comeback in the future but nothing is for sure. It is still available at Save-On-Foods and perhaps Island Naturals though so I think I will stock up in case it doesn't reappear.

This mix makes amazing muffins. I haven't tried it for anything else like biscuits or buns because it makes such perfect muffins. 

There is a recipe on the back of the bag and I followed it with only a few small changes. I used half water and half orange juice for the liquid, added strawberries instead of chocolate chips, mixed in a little grated orange zest and sprinkled the tops of the muffins with sugar before they went into the oven.

Perfect, beautiful strawberry muffins. As good as any wheat muffins I've ever had. Soft, fluffy with a nice slightly crispy top from the sugar sprinkling.

The recipe on the back made 12 large muffins. 

Look at that! Fluffy muffin perfection. 

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